This week was busier than others with interesting articles – so there are more articles than usual. Enjoy!

19 Chicken Coop Must-Haves for a Happy Flock

Chickens are very forgiving animals. They can survive in almost any conditions. But if you want to keep them healthy and in good condition, then it’s smart to take some measures. They will reward you big time!

Which Is The Right Duck Breed For You?

Today we will be a bit more into animals… Not only chickens are welcome in your homestead, maybe there are ducks which will help you with the plants and also food. Check which sort of ducks are available and which is the most suitable for you.

Winter Vegetable Garden Tasks: gardening projects for January and February

Winter is a perfect time to do some tasks which will pay off in the remaining parts of the year. And it’s always welcome to have some particular ideas what to do.

How to Grow Blackberries Step by Step

Blackberries are some of the easiest plants you can grow on your homestead or in your backyard, and they’re also some of the most productive. Should I mention also they are very tasty?

Planting & Growing Strawberries – How To Plant A Strawberry Patch

Strawberries – another very rewarding sort of fruit. They need a bit more effort and care, but it pays off big time!

How To Make Fromage Blanc (cultured soft cheese)

If you are vegan, you might skip this. But in case you love some milk products, this is a must-try!

What It Is and How to Amend Sandy Soil

Sandy soil can be a real problem… it’s not much worse things as semi-desert garden. I’ve got one 🙂 There are some ideas I practice as well — and will practice some other written here.

Bokashi Composting: The Composting Method You’re Probably Missing Out On

Simply said – one of the best and most efficient ways of composting. Explore this topic as much as you can!