The OWG Garden Guide – Our New “How-To” Page For Gardening Advice!

A really rich collection of how-to articles, separated by topics. I believe there are more to come.

Grow Mushrooms On Compost For A Flavorful Feast

Growing mushrooms onto the compost will not give you only mushrooms. There are a few quite important other benefits.

How To Succeed When Starting Difficult Seeds

There are seeds of plants that will grow like weeds and there are seeds that are not so easy to start. Dormancy, light, moisture… maybe you know already what I’m talking about. Few useful tips you can find here.

Landrace Gardening: How To Adapt Your Garden Plants To Local Conditions

Despite there are some affiliate links (not mine! 😉 ) I’ve found the article very interesting – sometimes there is a new approach needed to get the desired outcome.

How To Make Sauerkraut

And not only sauerkraut – there are many sorts of vegs you can ferment. And you don’t need a lot of space – even a glass or two of canned cucumbers is enough. And it can offer so much fun!